Lizzy had Ksh 500 , John has Ksh 50 , FIFI will have Ksh 700. Who has more money among them? Riddle Answer

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Lizzy had Ksh 500 and has clearly lost it.

On the other hand Fifi is dreaming of those Ksh 700 and clearly does not have the amount at present.

Thirdly John has Ksh 50 with him

In the present, John has the most money as in present Lizzy and Fifi don’t have a single penny.

Answer 2

The key here is the tense used in each of these 3 sentences which establishes the certainty of whether or not they have money.

Lizzy HAD money – clearly she doesn’t have it now.

Fifi WILL HAVE money – however high the amount may be it is uncertain.

John HAS money – establishes with every certainty that john has money right.

So John has more money between them. Indeed ONLY John possess money that can be used at all at the moment.

Answer 3

Between is used for comparing 2 people/things

For more than 2 people/things, AMONG should be generally used.

And as far as answer is concerned, many writers have already stated that TENSE is main for answering this question. And so, John actually has More Money.

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